Riga's Castle
The first castle built by the Sword
Order named Wittenstein Castle
("made of white stone") was
mentioned for the first time in 1209.
It was located to the north from the
bishop's castle. the castle was
destoyed by townfolk in the war with
the Order. Townpeople had to build a
new castle for the Livonian Order at
the site of the Holy Spirit hospital
under condition to dismantle part of
the town's fortification wall and to
open the town from the castle's side.
The tower of the Holy Spirit and a
fragment of the fortification wall
were added to the castle that was
built under the supervision of master
D.Kriege in 1330-1353. In 1484
townpeople destroyed this bilding as
well but they were obliged to rebuild
it and the construction was
completed by 1515.
In the end of the XVI and in the XVII
the castle was joined into the town's
fortification system. In the XVIII the
mosat surrounding the castle was
filled up and the square near the
castle was constructed.
In the XVII-XVIII several wings were
added to the castle as it was used as a
public building by polish and
Swedish officials. In the XVIII it
became a residence for Russian
governor general. today a part of the
building is going to be rebuilt for
presenta tions.
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